Sunday, August 31, 2008

THE BUCKET LIST (3 1/2 stars)

Director: Rob Reiner
Stars: Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman
Description: A story about two men stuck in a hospital room together after getting diagnosed with cancer, one, a family-man car mechanic (Freeman, Bruce Almighty, Nurse Betty), who seems to know the answers of every quizzical subject in existence, and the other, a lonely billionaire (Nicholson, About Schmidt, The Shining), who finds himself trapped in the crappy hospital system that he, himself, helped create.
Together, in their small hospital room, they create THE BUCKET LIST, a collection of experiences and activities they want to do before they "Kick the bucket". So they escape they're depressing ward, and go out on an adventure to achieve their lifelong goals, including a trip to the African safari, a climb up the Egyptian pyramids, and a skydiving session. But now, Nicholson has to get the car mechanic back home to his wife, before she gets angry!
Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are great at their parts, but the movie, itself, fails to hold your attention, and with a plot-line that's so thin, it makes you wonder if the writer has much storytelling ability at all.

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